Starting this week, the t:connect mobile app will become the Tandem t:slim mobile app and get a new app icon. These changes will appear after updating to version 2.9 of the app.
Harsimran Singh1, Gabriel Alencar1, Haidee Sanchez1, Michelle Manning1, Kirstin White1, Alex Wheatcroft1, KC Carmelo1, Rishi Graham2, Lars Mueller1, Eliah Aronoff-Spencer2, Jordan Pinsker1, Steph Habif1
There is mounting evidence supporting the benefits of hybrid closed loop systems for type 1 diabetes (T1D) management. However, published studies lack long-term evaluation of these technologies in ethnically diverse patients including patient-reported outcomes (PROs) assessing lived experiences with these devices.
As part of the Control-IQ Observational (CLIO) study, we evaluated psychosocial outcomes in T1D adults using the Tandem Diabetes Care t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology. Participants completed PRO measures including open-ended items at baseline (pre), 3, 6, and 12 months (post). Wilcox signed rank-test was used to assess differences and qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis.
In all, 1306 adult study completers (57.6% female) (White=1084, Hispanic=86, Black=38, Asian=16, Mixed=42) were included in the analysis. Overall, there was a 25.2% improvement in satisfaction with insulin delivery device (IDD) using Control-IQ technology at post (mean=8.83±1.15) vs. pre (i.e., previous IDD) (7.06±2.04) (p<0.001). The Asian cohort reported greater improvement (33.2%) than others. A significant reduction in diabetes impact (33.6%) was noted overall at post (p<0.001) with Hispanic participants reporting greater reduction in diabetes burden (42.8%) than others. For perceived impact of diabetes on quality of life, there was an overall reduction in diabetes impact at post (p<0.001) with Asians showing greater reduction (26.3%) vs. others, specifically in the “freedom to eat as you wish” aspect of life. At post, 71% reported improved sleep quality using Control-IQ technology. Thematic analysis supported these findings highlighting improved diabetes control, quality of life, and ease of use as valuable experiences supporting long-term use of Control-IQ technology. These data demonstrate substantial and sustained psychosocial improvements using Control-IQ technology in diverse ethnic cohorts with type 1 diabetes.