If the battery level indicator on your t:slim X2 insulin pump, within a 2-hour period, shows a drop of more than 25% or an increase of more than 10% while not connected to a power source, this is considered normal battery behavior.
This can happen when you check the battery level indicator during high usage events (e.g., fill tubing, bolus delivery, alarm declarations). The battery level will typically return to an accurate value after about 30 minutes. Charging your t:slim X2 pump for 30 minutes can also help resolve the issue.
If the battery level indicator on your pump is dropping faster than expected, please refer to our troubleshooting article for tips on minimizing impact to your battery and optimizing performance. Please contact Customer Technical Support if the battery issue(s) you are experiencing continue.
If receive a Power Source Alert, this means that you have connected your pump to a power source that does not have enough power to charge the pump. Please refer to our troubleshooting article on how to navigate and respond to each notification on your pump for more information.