We are pleased to announce an enhancement to our Therapy Timeline report. The Therapy Timeline will now include Dexcom® CGM readings when a CGM enabled Tandem pump is uploaded to t:connect. Best of all, no additional action is required, CGM data will automatically appear in t:connect when the pump data is uploaded.

Patients who regularly log in to review data spend more time in range,2 and sharing reports before appointments with healthcare providers can help to make the most of time spent with a physician. To encourage this habit, we send monthly reminders to our customers about the benefits of uploading.
With the new t:connect HCP Portal, clinicians can now upload, view, and print this data from one user-friendly webpage.
Don’t have a t:connect account?
Healthcare providers interested in the HCP Portal should reach out to their local Tandem representative or give us a call at (877) 801-6901. Or visit our website for more information.
New Tandem pump users should follow the steps in our Get Started Guide.
1 The t:connect Application is compatible with the following meters: OneTouch® Verio® IQ, OneTouch UltraMini®, OneTouch Ultra® 2, FreeStyle® Lite®, FreeStyle Freedom Lite®, ACCU-CHEK® Aviva, ACCU-CHEK Compact Plus.
2 Data on file. Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.