The Thomson Tandem Diabetes Care story doesn't just start with three employees who happen to be father and sons — it actually began with two t:slim X2 insulin pump users.
Dad, Tony, recalls the type 1 diagnoses for sons, Trenton and Trevor, within 18 months of each other. Both boys started using insulin pumps at the ages of 5 and 6, respectively. After almost a decade of “pumping,” the brothers made the switch to the t:slim X2 insulin pump in June 2013.
Fast forward to June 2018, when Trevor joined Tandem. The next year, Tony and Trenton also joined the company.
These days, Trevor is a Territory Manager in the Ann Arbor, Michigan market, Tony is a Territory Manager in the Central Michigan market, and Trenton is a Specialist in Supply Sales working remotely from Bay City, Michigan.
"We are Tandem and strongly believe in the Words We Live By," Tony said, referring to the company core values, which are focused on innovation, teamwork, putting people first, not taking shortcuts, and "staying awesome."
Admittedly, they tend to spend a bit too much time talking about work at family functions. Even though they have set limits for how much they talk Tandem to the rest of the family, it comes from a place of love for what they do.
“As a father, I’m incredibly proud of my sons,” Tony said. “Growing up, they never let diabetes define them, nor allowed it to be an excuse. I’ve always considered them role models."
Tony is grateful they all get to pair passion and purpose through their careers to help make a difference in the lives of people living with diabetes.
"I can’t think of a greater gift than knowing your children are healthy and happy, both personally and professionally," Tony added.
And, now that he's become a grandfather (or "Papa" as he's referred to within the family), Tony also appreciates seeing the incredible dad that Trenton has become.
"It brings joy I couldn’t have previously imagined,” Tony said.
Added Trenton, “Tandem is a family and the fact that I am able to share and embrace this experience with my dad and brother is a blessing in itself. My dad is a big role model to Trevor and me. He’s there for absolutely anything we need.
"Recently, my son was diagnosed with type 1," Trenton continued, "and the support system we have within our immediate family and our Tandem family has been immense and something I cannot easily put into words. The experience, knowledge, and support I have received from my dad and brother through this new journey for my son, is something I am truly thankful for, and has made my job of being a father a whole lot easier.”
Trevor remembers that the first day he arrived at the Tandem office, he knew he had found a second home.
“For the first time in my life, I was able to use T1D to help others.”
"Almost four years later and I've had the opportunity to challenge myself, work with amazing teammates, and assist customers with something I'm truly passionate about," Trevor said.
He feels his dad leads by example as a hard worker who's honest and kind.
"As I've grown older, he has become one of my best friends," Trevor shared. "He, my brother, and I are grateful to work together at a place like Tandem."

Tony and his sons also spend time together as sports fans.
When not rooting for the Wolverines, Lions, Tigers, Pistons, or Red Wings, they're out playing golf together — and maybe talking shop.
Thank you, Tony, Trenton, Trevor (and Tian) for being part of our Tandem Family and helping to make Tandem a positively different company.
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From time to time, we may pass along suggestions, tips, or information about other Tandem insulin pump user experiences or approaches to the management of diabetes. Please note, however, individual symptoms, situations, circumstances, and results may vary. Please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment. Please read the Important Safety Information before using a Tandem Diabetes Care product.