Warranty Information


If you reside in the United States, the following policies apply:

Warranty Information

Tandem warrants the Tandem insulin pump against defects in materials and workmanship, under normal use, for the period of 4 years from the original date of shipment of the pump to the original end use purchaser (the “Warranty Period”). For any defective Tandem pump covered by the foregoing warranty, Tandem will, at its discretion, repair the pump or replace it with a new or refurbished Tandem pump, subject to the conditions and exclusions stated herein. Repair or replacement of a Tandem pump will not extend the original 4 year warranty, which will continue to apply. If your Tandem pump is replaced, then you must return your original pump to Tandem in accordance with Tandem's instructions. In the event the defective Tandem pump is not returned, then this warranty shall be void and you will not be entitled to future pump replacement or repairs.

The warranty is valid only if the Tandem pump is used in accordance with Tandem's instructions for use and the user guide and will not apply if:

  • damage results from changes or modifications made to the Tandem insulin pump by the user or third persons after the date of manufacture;
  • damage results from service or repairs performed to any part of the Tandem pump by any person or entity other than Tandem;
  • the Tandem pump seal is broken;
  • a non-Tandem cartridge is used with the Tandem pump;
  • damage consists of scratches and wear to surfaces and other externally exposed parts due to wear and tear;
  • damage results from an event or accident beyond the control of Tandem;
  • damage results from negligence or improper use, including but not limited to improper storage or physical abuse; or
  • lost or stolen.

From time-to-time Tandem may offer software updates for your Tandem pump to help to ensure the up-to-date functionality of your pump or software that are intended to add new features to your Tandem pump. Tandem reserves the right to offer those updates, if any, in its sole discretion either at no charge or for an additional fee to be determined at a future date. To the extent that an update is offered at no charge, it is considered to be included in the original cost of your pump. Any future software updates will be subject to your acceptance of other terms and conditions that may be applicable at that time, including additional terms that may modify or limit the terms of this Warranty.

This warranty shall be personal to the original end use purchaser. Any sale, rental or other transfer or use of the Tandem pump covered by this warranty to or by a user other than the original end use purchaser shall cause this warranty to immediately terminate.

This warranty only applies to the Tandem pump and does not apply to other products or accessories. This warranty is valid only in the United States. No employee of Tandem or any other party is authorized to make any warranty in addition to those made in this Warranty.

The remedies provided for in this warranty are the exclusive remedies available for any warranty claims. Neither Tandem nor its suppliers or distributors shall be liable for losses, liabilities, claims or damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, any indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages of any kind caused by or arising out of a defect in the product. All other warranties, express or implied, are excluded, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Returned Goods Policy

Any insulin pump product (“Pump”) that was originally purchased from Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (“Tandem”) or one of its authorized distributors within the United States may be returned to Tandem only for the following reasons: (1) during the applicable Warranty Period, if the customer experiences an issue with the Pump that is covered by the Warranty, then Tandem will repair or replace the Pump as provided under the Warranty above, or (2) during the ninety (90) day period after the shipment of the Pump, if the customer discovers that the Pump is not suited for the customer based on a valid, good faith medical reason which has been confirmed by the customer’s physician, then Tandem or the authorized distributor will accept the return of the Pump and provide a refund to the customer and/or its insurance company for the amount actually paid for the Pump. Tandem will not accept or be obligated to accept for return any Pump for any other reason. To assure prompt handling when returning a Pump, the customer must first obtain a returned materials authorization (RMA) number from Tandem’s or its authorized distributor’s Customer Service Department. This RMA number must be clearly written on the outer box. If Tandem provides a label, the label must be attached or taped to the outer box. If no label is provided, Tandem recommends shipping via insured ground service with a tracking number. Tandem is not responsible for lost or damaged packages.

To obtain an RMA number and shipping address, please contact Tandem Customer Technical Support. Returns pre-authorized by Tandem’s authorized distributors should be sent to the distributor authorizing the return, unless other instructions are provided. Returns made without the RMA number will be returned to the customer, freight collect. This policy is subject to applicable law.

If you reside outside the United States or Canada, the following policies apply:

Returned Goods Policy

Any insulin pump that was originally purchased from Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (“Tandem”) or one of its authorized distributors may be returned only during the applicable warranty period. Contact your local Tandem Diabetes Care authorized distributor to obtain a return authorization number and instructions. Returns made without the return authorization number will be returned to the customer, freight collect. This policy is subject to applicable law.

Warranty Information

Subject to applicable law, Tandem warrants that the Tandem insulin pump will be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of four (4) years from the date of purchase by the original user. This warranty extends only to the original user and does not apply to users in the United States or Canada. Locate your local Tandem Diabetes Care authorized distributor at tandemdiabetes.com/contact

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Si usted reside fuera de los Estados Unidos o en Canadá, se aplican las siguientes políticas:


Toda bomba de insulina que se compró originalmente de Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (“Tandem”) o uno de sus distribuidores autorizados podrá devolverse solo durante el período de garantía aplicable. Comuníquese con su distribuidor local autorizado de Tandem Diabetes Care para recibir instrucciones y obtener un número de autorización de devolución. Las devoluciones sin el número de autorización de devolución se enviarán nuevamente al cliente, con flete a cobrar en destino. Esta política está sujeta a la ley aplicable.


Conforme a la ley aplicable, Tandem garantiza que la bomba de insulina Tandem está protegida de defectos en los materiales o la fabricación durante un período de cuatro (4) años a partir de la fecha de compra del usuariho original. Esta garantía se emite solo para el usuario original y no se aplica a los usuarios de Estados Unidos o Canadá. Busque su distribuidor local autorizado de Tandem Diabetes Care en tandemdiabetes.com/contact

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Si vous résidez hors des États-Unis ou du Canada, les politiques suivantes s’appliquent:


Toute pompe à insuline ayant initialement été achetée auprès de Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (« Tandem ») ou auprès de l’un de ses distributeurs agréés peut être retournée uniquement pendant la période de garantie applicable. Contactez votre distributeur local agréé Tandem Diabetes Care pour obtenir un numéro d’autorisation de retour et les instructions à suivre. Les retours effectués sans le numéro d’autorisation de retour seront renvoyés au client, port dû. Cette politique est soumise aux lois en vigueur.


Sous réserve des lois en vigueur, Tandem garantit que la pompe à insuline Tandem est exempte de tout défaut de matériau ou de fabrication pendant une période de quatre (4) ans à compter de la date d’achat par l’utilisateur initial. Cette garantie s’applique uniquement à l’utilisateur initial et ne s’applique pas aux utilisateurs aux États-Unis ou au Canada. Recherchez votre distributeur local agréé Tandem Diabetes Care à l’adresse suivante tandemdiabetes.com/contact

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Se si risiede al di fuori degli Stati Uniti o del Canada si applicherà la seguente policy:


Qualsiasi pompa per insulina originariamente acquistata presso Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (“Tandem”) o uno dei suoi distributori autorizzati può essere restituita a Tandem solo durante il periodo di garanzia applicabile. Contattare il proprio distributore autorizzato Tandem Diabetes Care locale per ottenere un numero di autorizzazione al reso e le istruzioni. I resi effettuati senza numero di autorizzazione al reso saranno restituiti al cliente, in porto assegnato. Questa politica è soggetta alle leggi in vigore.


Soggetto alla legge applicabile, Tandem garantisce che la pompa per insulina Tandem sarà priva di difetti di materiale e mano d'opera per un periodo di quattro (4) anni dalla data di acquisto da parte dell'utente originale. Questa garanzia si estende esclusivamente all'utente originale e non si applica ad utenti negli Stati Uniti o in Canada. Trova il tuo distributore autorizzato Tandem Diabetes Care locale all'indirizzo tandemdiabetes.com/contact

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Wanneer u niet in de Verenigde Staten of Canada woont, gelden de volgende gedragslijnen:


Elke insulinepomp die oorspronkelijk is aangekocht via Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (“Tandem”) of een van diens geautoriseerde distributeurs mag alleen worden geretourneerd tijdens de van toepassing zijnde garantieperiode. Neem contact op met uw lokale erkende Tandem Diabetes Care-distributeur om een autorisatienummer en instructies voor retourzending te verkrijgen. Retourzendingen zonder autorisatienummer worden ongefrankeerd teruggestuurd naar de klant. Dit beleid is gebonden aan de van toepassing zijnde wetgeving.


Met inachtneming van de van toepassing zijnde wetgeving garandeert Tandem dat de Tandem-insulinepomp vrij zal zijn van defecten wat betreft materiaal of in technisch opzicht gedurende een periode van vier (4) jaar vanaf de datum van aankoop door de oorspronkelijke gebruiker. Deze garantie geldt uitsluitend voor de oorspronkelijke gebruiker en is niet van toepassing op gebruikers in de Verenigde Staten of Canada. U vindt uw lokale erkende Tandem Diabetes Care-distributeur via tandemdiabetes.com/contact

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Følgende retningslinjer gjelder dersom du bor utenfor USA eller Canada:


Enhver insulinpumpe opprinnelig kjøpt av Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (“Tandem”) eller en av dets autoriserte distributører kan kun returneres i løpet av gjeldende periode for garanti. Kontakt den lokale autoriserte distributøren din for Tandem Diabetes Care for å motta autorisasjonsnummer og bruksanvisning. Retur uten autorisasjonsnummeret for retur av varer returneres til kunden med pålagt kostnad for frakt. Retningslinjene er pålagt gjeldende lovverk.


Som pålagt under gjeldende lovverk, garanterer Tandem en insulinpumpe uten feil i materiale eller håndverk i en periode på fire (4) år fra opprinnelige brukers kjøpsdato. Garantien gjelder bare den opprinnelige brukeren, og gjelder ikke brukere i USA og Canada. Finn den lokale autoriserte distributøren for Tandem Diabetes Care på tandemdiabetes.com/contact

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Om du är bosatt utanför USA eller Kanada gäller följande policyer:


Alla insulinpumpar som ursprungligen har köpts från Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (”Tandem”) eller någon av dess auktoriserade återförsäljare kan endast returneras under gällande garantiperiod. Kontakta din lokala auktoriserade Tandem Diabetes Care-återförsäljare för att få ett giltigt returnummer samt instruktioner. Returer som görs utan giltigt returnummer kommer att skickas tillbaka till kunden mot postförskott. Denna policy gäller i enlighet med gällande lagstiftning.


I enlighet med gällande lagstiftning, garanterar Tandem att det inte kommer att vara något fel på materialet i Tandems insulinpump och inte heller på pumpens utförandekapacitet under en period på fyra (4) år från originalanvändarens inköpsdatum. Denna garanti är endast giltig för originalanvändaren och gäller inte användare i USA och Kanada. Hitta din lokala auktoriserade Tandem Diabetes Care-återförsäljare på tandemdiabetes.com/contact

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For brugere med bopæl uden for USA eller Canada gælder følgende politikker:


Enhver insulinpumpe, der oprindeligt blev købt hos Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (“Tandem”) eller en af deres autoriserede distributører, må udelukkende returneres i den gældende garantiperiode. Kontakt den autoriserede distributør for Tandem Diabetes Care for at få et returautorisationsnummer og anvisninger. Returneringer foretaget uden returautorisationsnummer vil blive returneret til kunden pr. efterkrav. Denne politik er underlagt gældende lovgivning.


I henhold til gældende lovgivning garanterer Tandem, at Tandem-insulinpumperne vil være fri for defekter i materialer eller fremstilling i en periode på fire (4) år fra salgsdatoen til den oprindelige bruger. Denne garanti dækker udelukkende den oprindelige bruger og er ikke gældende for brugere i USA eller Canada. Find den lokale autoriserede distributør for Tandem Diabetes Care på tandemdiabetes.com/contact

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Máte-li bydliště mimo Spojené státy nebo Kanadu, platí následující pravidla:


Každou inzulinovou pumpu, která byla původně zakoupena u společnosti Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. („Tandem“) nebo u některého jejího autorizovaného distributora, lze reklamovat jen v příslušné záruční době. Reklamační číslo a pokyny obdržíte od místního autorizovaného distributora společnosti Tandem Diabetes Care. Výrobky vrácené bez reklamačního čísla budou odeslány zpět zákazníkovi na jeho vlastní náklady. Tato pravidla se řídí příslušnými zákony.


Společnost Tandem podle platných zákonů ručí za to, že inzulinová pumpa Tandem bude bez vad materiálu a provedení po dobu čtyř (4) let ode dne jejího zakoupení původním uživatelem. Tato záruka se vztahuje jen na původního zákazníka a neplatí pro uživatele ve Spojených státech či Kanadě. Místního autorizovaného distributora společnosti Tandem Diabetes Care můžete vyhledat zde tandemdiabetes.com/contact