Starting this week, the t:connect mobile app will become the Tandem t:slim mobile app and get a new app icon. These changes will appear after updating to version 2.9 of the app.
School supplies? Check. Back-to-school clothes? Check. Diabetes resources for your school-care team? Check.
We’ve put together a useful reference sheet that you can provide to your school-care team. It contains important information to help them get comfortable with your child’s t:slim X2 insulin pump and overall diabetes management.
Once completed, the form can be simply emailed or printed out. We recommend using a pen versus a No. 2 pencil, crayon, or finger paints.
Control-IQ Technology
Complete the information in this sheet and provide it to your school-care team.
Basal-IQ Technology
Complete the information in this sheet and provide it to your school-care team.
The first time our son went to school, we had a big challenge training his teacher on how to operate his pump . . . I can’t help but think about how much the t:simulator app would have alleviated a lot of anxiety for all involved.
Download and share these quick reference guides, then check out these other useful resources to help your school-care team get comfortable with the t:slim X2 insulin pump.
Tandem Quick Reference Guides
For Your Family
For Your School-Care Team