Enabling Mobile Connection (Bluetooth) on Your t:slim X2 Insulin Pump

Bluetooth Settings on the t:slim X2 insulin pump must be enabled to allow the Tandem t:slim mobile app to communicate with the pump. These settings are not used for communication with continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems, so if you choose to leave it off, it will not affect connectivity to your sensor.

Note: Avoid enabling these settings if you don’t intend to use the Tandem t:slim mobile app. When the connection is on, the pump will continue searching for Bluetooth devices, which can impact battery life.

Options and Bluetooth screens. Note: Not all screens are shown.

Turn on Bluetooth Settings

  1. From the Home screen, tap Options and then the down arrow
  2. Tap Device Settings

    Note: If you do not see this option on your pump, please log in to your Tandem Source account to update the software on your t:slim X2 insulin pump.

  3. Tap Bluetooth Settings
  4. Tap the Mobile Connection toggle to the on position
  5. Tap the blue checkmark to confirm
  6. The pump is now ready to pair with the Tandem t:slim mobile app
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