App Conflicts: Tandem t:slim Mobile App Disabled Notification

If you use the Tandem Mobi system for therapy management, it is recommended to delete the Tandem t:slim mobile app from your smartphone.

For users managing therapy with the t:slim X2 insulin pump, please note that the Tandem Mobi mobile app cannot be installed on your smartphone if you want full functionality from the Tandem t:slim mobile app. If it is installed:

  • The Tandem t:slim mobile app will be disabled
  • You will not be able to view your pump data from the Tandem t:slim mobile app
  • You will not be able to bolus from the Tandem t:slim mobile app
  • No alerts, alarms, reminders, or malfunctions from the t:slim X2 insulin pump will be viewable from the Tandem t:slim mobile app
  • You will be logged out of your Tandem Diabetes Care account
  • Tandem Source will not receive wireless data uploads from the pump

Woman Looking at Mobile App Disabled Notification

If you receive this notification that the mobile app has been disabled:

  • Use your t:slim X2 insulin pump for all therapy decisions
  • Deactivation of the mobile app does not impact pump functionality
  • Ensure the pump's sound volume is set to avoid missing alerts and alarms
  • Connect the pump to your computer to upload data to Tandem Source

The Tandem t:slim mobile app can be enabled again for use with the t:slim X2 insulin pump after the Tandem Mobi mobile app is removed from your smartphone.

Always refer to the user guide for important safety information and detailed step-by-step instructions on how to troubleshoot t:slim X2 insulin pump alerts and alarms. A full list of alerts and alarms can be accessed in the user guide.

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