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New t:connect Diabetes Management Application Portal for Healthcare Providers

We recently went live with a new set of features on the t:connect® Application with the release of the t:connect HCP Portal. This update was developed based on feedback from hundreds of clinicians and focuses on making data management simpler and more efficient.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing details of the new features available to you and your patients. Here are some highlights:

  • With the t:connect HCP Portal, you no longer need your patient’s username and password to access their Tandem pump data.
  • Each of the reports available to you in office are also available to your patients, and because the t:connect Application is cloud based, the data can be accessed from anywhere.
  • If your patient is using a t:slim G4 Pump or t:slim X2 Pump, CGM data will be summarized to include the hourly sensor glucose average and range.
  • Patients who are more engaged in their care do better, and t:connect Data reinforces this: patients who log in, review data, and self-adjust spend more time in range.1

To start the process of creating your t:connect HCP account, please reach out to your local Tandem representative or give us a call at (877) 801-6901. For more information, visit our website at https://www.tandemdiabetes.com/products/t-connect-application.

1Data on file. Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

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