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Last week, we went live with a new set of features on the t:connect® Application with the release of the t:connect HCP Portal. This update was developed based on feedback from hundreds of clinicians and focuses on making data management simpler and more efficient.
Read ArticleKyle Aarup is a fourth-generation off-road racer. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age six and two years later was in an accident while practicing on his home track, which fractured his C1 and C2 vertebrae and ripped all the muscles and ligaments off the base of his skull. Read more about how Kyle finished his 2016 Pro-Buggy debut season with two championships, diabetes, and all.
Read ArticleWhile you’re saving the environment this Earth Day, join a supportive environment of your own with the Strong With Diabetes Challenge. Learn how to build both physical and mental strength with diabetes through 4 weeks of FREE diabetes articles, workouts, meal plans, and community support.
Read ArticleLast month we began rolling out our first-ever remote pump software update for t:slim Pumps purchased before April 2015 using the Tandem Device Updater! With the launch of this product, we are the first company to offer our customers the ability to add new features to their insulin pump from home using a personal computer.
Read ArticleRead how Tandem pump user Kerri Sparling got past her initial hang-ups about moving to her first insulin pump after 17 years of injections.
Read ArticleCustomer Technical Support Specialists at Tandem respond to and manage technical support calls and emails, helping troubleshoot issues for pump users and their families. They investigate problems on an individual basis, thoroughly document each issue, and collaborate with Tandem field representatives across the country to ensure that each patient receives a timely and satisfactory resolution. They are also customer advocates who represent the customer’s needs internally. They’re looking to grow their team.
Read ArticleFrom time to time, we may pass along suggestions, tips, or information about other Tandem Diabetes Care insulin pump user experiences or approaches to the management of diabetes. Please note individual symptoms, situations, circumstances, and results may vary. Please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment. Please read the Important Safety Information before using our products.