Always inspect your t:slim X2 cartridges for any visible damage prior to filling with insulin. If you suspect that the cartridge is damaged, do not use it.
When filling the cartridge with insulin, be sure to use the syringe and needle provided in the cartridge packaging. Never fill the cartridge while it’s connected to the t:slim X2 insulin pump, and take care not to overfill the cartridge. The total amount of insulin added to each cartridge should never exceed 300 units.
Cartridge Leaking
If you notice insulin surrounding the white cartridge fill port, it may be drops of insulin left by the syringe and needle during the fill process. Gently blot away any residual insulin with a soft, clean tissue, and then check for any further leakage. If no additional insulin appears, proceed with the cartridge loading process.
If you see insulin leaking from the cartridge pigtail or other parts of the cartridge, you will need to discard the cartridge and start with a new cartridge.
Make sure you are using proper load technique to help prevent issues in the future. Please contact Customer Technical Support if this issue is persistent.
Always refer to the user guide for important safety information and detailed step-by-step instructions on how to load a cartridge.