When you pair the t:connect mobile app with your t:slim X2 insulin pump, your pump will have the capability to wirelessly upload both pump and therapy data to the t:connect mobile app. This allows you to conveniently view basal and bolus events, insulin on board, carbs, current settings, plus pump and sensor status directly on your smartphone.
If your pump data isn't uploading, it’s often because a manual upload using a Tandem USB cable wasn’t completed before the pairing process. Depending on how long it has been since your pump was last uploaded to the Tandem Source platform, your first upload via the mobile app can take anywhere from a few minutes to three days to complete. Since the mobile app uploads your oldest data first, it may seem as though the mobile app is not uploading your pump data. You can either wait for the mobile app to finish the first upload or connect your pump to a computer and upload with your Tandem USB cable.
It's also important to confirm that the t:connect mobile app is left open on your smartphone, you are logged in to your Tandem Source account, and that your phone has either a Wi-Fi or cellular data connection. The mobile app has to be running in order for your data to upload.