Andreas, diagnosed 2014

Get Ready for CampExplore camp resources this summer

Keep the summertime vibes high with camp resources for your family, counselors, and care team.

Marissa, diagnosed 2020
Explore Compass

Getting Camp Ready

Routines can change during the summertime. Families, campers, and counselors can benefit from these camp tips designed to make adventures with our insulin pumps happy and safe.

Pump Guides for Camp

We’ve put together these useful reference sheets that you can provide to camp counselors and care teams. They contain important information to help staff members get comfortable with Tandem Diabetes Care insulin pumps and overall diabetes management.

Once completed, either of these forms can be simply emailed or printed out.


Control-IQ Technology

Complete the information in this sheet and provide it to your camp.


Basal-IQ Technology

Complete the information in this sheet and provide it to your camp.

sun icon

Summer Product Safety

Sunscreen, bug spray, and lotion may be on the camp packing list, but be sure to keep your Tandem insulin pump away from these products. Wash your hands after you apply them and before you touch your pump.

Person spraying arm with bug spray

Additional Resources

Here are more resources you can discuss with your healthcare provider, camp counselors, or care team.

Tandem Guides

Find a Camp

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Mobile App

Try Our Pumps Free Virtual Demos

Test drive the easy-to-use interfaces of either Tandem Mobi or t:slim X2 automated insulin delivery systems, with no obligation.